Schweizer Finanzmuseum

In a multimedia exhibition, the first and only financial museum in Switzerland – a country known for its banks – explains the origins of the economic system and the role of the stock market. Find out all there is to know about the Swiss financial market and experience economic history and modern innovations in a way that is entertaining and uses a variety of different media. We show you the importance of the Swiss financial sector for daily life. Prepare to be surprised.

We are the proud winners of the DigAMus Award in the Social Media Campaign 2024 category!

Special Exhibition: "Banks in transition: from counters to apps"

Until the 12 July 2024: Over the past 20 years, the face of Swiss banks has changed significantly. Where once the personal contact in the branch office used to be a priority, banking has now arrived on the smartphone. Which leads to several questions: How do we pay, save and invest -  today and in the future? Which institutions do we trust? The exhibition shows the origins of the Swiss banking system up until the Swiss financial center takes shape, and contrasts them with the current, digital trends in banking: from counters to apps. A selection of original historical securities will be used to showcase the types of Swiss banks, as well as global tech companies that are steadily driving digitization in the financial sector. 

A look inside